Saturday, December 22, 2007

Marvin Under Attack

Just when you thought it was safe to browse YouTube, Marvin strikes again. I should never have gotten him that video camera for Christmas. He keeps sending me files to edit and post for him (he is still skittish about the Internet ever since his whole demonic virus hard-drive meltdown.

In his latest installment he informs us that he is under demonic attack as a result of his recent holiday, um Holy Day message. To make matters worse, he tries to be sensitive this year towards his parents and buys them the "perfect gift" for Hanukkah.

He asked me to tell you that he is willing to take on your questions about faith, morality, demons or even his own life. In his own words, "I'm an open book." God help us all.

Marvin Bloom Under Attack!

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At 1:10 PM , Blogger Alex Resare said...

Gay Christian? Isn't that like white black or green red?

See you soon.

At 1:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if I'm "tasty" enough for the devil.

"He is high and lifted up" - omigod! I love Marvin.

Happy holidays!

At 1:47 PM , Blogger KJ said...

Marvin, I get the sense that Jesus would be a lot more fun at a party than you.

At 2:33 PM , Blogger Vincent Cervantes said...

i love celebrating Chrismakuh!

At 8:38 AM , Blogger kurt_t said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 8:47 AM , Blogger kurt_t said...

Excellent point, Marvin. I'm sure people are lighting candles to Beelzebub all the time without even thinking about it. I'm Catholic, and you wouldn't believe all the candles! Parishioners light them all the time. There are no controls in place at all! For all I know the nun in the next pew is offering me up as some kind of unholy canapé!

Oh, and I had to delete my previous comment because the Enemy attacked my keyboard. I should fill up my holy water thermos tonight and just sprinkle my whole workstation. I'll anoint your YouTube videos while I'm at it.

At 12:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Now that you are saved, have you thought about going through an ex-Jewish conversion therapy program?

It worked wonders for me. I can honestly say that my Jewish tendencies have pretty much diminished, although sometimes, when I find myself in a distant airport, I use a secret foot tapping technique to score a bagel.

At 1:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and I think the most successful of ex-Jewish ministries is this place called the Hymie NoMo Halfway house.... Look 'em up.

At 4:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to see Marvin.

Have a very happy Christmas / season and hoping you're going to be back over for Greenbelt again.

At 1:00 PM , Blogger Eric said...

LOL! i love that christian bookstore - Salt Shakers! and ROFL at ripping Jesus off the cross "You're free! You're free!" So what DID you do with the body, anyway?

At 4:17 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

Pete, you made me laugh out loud. I passed your comment onto Marvin. The humor was somewhat lost and is only response was, "I will pray for him."

I have a feeling we are not done with Marvin. He feels such a "calling" these days to reach out to a lost and dying world through YouTube. I guess it is a needed respite from all the kooky cat videos.

At 4:21 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

joe g., the devil has been gnawing on you for decades. He eats you up for desert--like an orange rind dripped in dark chocolate.

kurt, Marvin just addressed tech attacks of the enemy over at the Flatus Show. Turns out holy water only makes things worse.

Tractor girl, Ah, Greenbelt, it is better than Oz and the Shire put together. If they ask me, I will go again. I have a new play, so shoot, let's do it.


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